Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How I met "Him"

It has been more than a year. To be precise, 1 year and 8 days since we've met for the first time. We refers to me and my husband (the then prospective groom.

Couldn't disclose my experiences then, since our marriage bells could not be heard. But now after year, let me recall how it all happened...

Pardon my poor memory which acts as villain in most occasions when I am to dust my memories.

It was a late Wednesday evening when he called for the first time. It was 25th of Feb, around 10pm in the night. I had already gobbled my dinner and was preparing to go to bed. My mobile rang displaying an unknown number. It was "HIM". I knew he would call, but didn't expect it at the very moment.He wanted to meet me, as expected. I agreed.

We were supposed to meet for lunch at Sahib Sind Sultan (a restaurant in Forum Mall, Bangalore) in the forthcoming weekend. I was nervous. Repeated instructions from my mother added to the palpitation.

"Don't laugh loudly. Just smile...."
"Don't talk much, be shy..."
"Wear descent salwar kameez..."
"Sleep properly or you'll get dark circle..."

Were some of dos and don'ts which I was suppose to follow to present myself as a good and eligible bride.

Then came the very day. I was supposed to meet a boy whom I've never met and who perhaps would be my life partner. I would have to spend my life with him, a stranger.

What should I ask him and try to know about him to decide whether to proceed with the relationship? What are the qualities a person should have to be compatible with me for rest of my life. I had no idea because I had never thought about it.

I hope you are able to understand the weird and pathetic situation I was in. With eager parents, discouraging sister and confused me, my poor little mind was at a toss.

What happened next??? Well, the next post would tell you.


  1. Interesting post Aditi..I just found your blog link from facebook..Waiting for the next post!!

  2. This was a nice read :) and u know what has actually left me in the next part sooooooon :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ur sis was 'discouraging' at the onset.. but when she knew u were really into it.. n what it meant to u.. she did 'more dan what she cud do' to make the thng happen..alas.. not all contributions matter at the end..
