Thursday, June 26, 2008


It churned a series of experiences and feelings in me. Started with a sign of relief on the day before yesterday. At last I got staffed on an assignment. Can't explain how it feels to sit idle with every one busy working around me. It makes me feel so insignificant and out of place.

I got a sight of just the tip of the ice-berg. My excitement and relief soon turned pale. Now the concern to come up with relevant results engulfed me. Ticking time haunted even more. But this is how it is in corporate world. Each second counts and you need to deliver the best. The work seemed endless and of course exhaustive. At times I felt may be I'm in the wrong court. Trying to spot a place without an address in this universe.

But I never felt frustrated. This is the quality I like the most about me. My will power to never give up until the final goal is achieved. So I kept working on it, till came out with "the desired result".

Mission Accomplished !!!!

Key Learning:
Never give up. Fight till the end. There's nothing that you can't do. Believe in yourself.Patience and will power is the key. There's no alternative to hard work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First City Experience

Had couple of images in my mind about the place....Most of it was good, but never thought that it would be like this. The moment I stepped into this place a strange feeling engulfed me. I cannot explain how I felt. Secure and elated because I was with my father to one of the most happening part of Bangalore, but afraid at the same time about the fast, busy and care free city life of which I am to be a part after my father heads back home.

Initially it felt awesome to see extravagant Malls and luxurious apartments around. But at the same time swirling the way between the cars to cross the road many a times a day made life miserable. South Indian food made life difficult and add to it the gigantic cost of every thing you reach out to buy.

People say the climate of Bangalore is pleasant and I fully agree to it. That's the reason one never feels worn out. You could see flamboyant people around. People of all class and status. From mini skirt wearing hot girls to religious south indian ladies with the typical orange and white flowers on their hair. Temple , Mosque and Church in close proximity encourage vivid cultural and religious diversity. People here are pretty good and helpful.

Had a couple of experiences with the infamous Bangalore auto wallahs. Have heard much about their "Customer Care" before coming to Bangalore. They never hesitate to charge you fare out of this world. Even if you are eager to pay that, they are much reluctant to take you to your destination.

Haven't managed to go around in the city much. But the place, Koramangala, Bangalore , which I was talking about till now, is great ( not as great as I.I.T campus Kharagpur)